In house training
Persuasion and influencing communication
Purpose Develop the ability to communicate with impact and influence in a professional context in order to mobilize, persuade, inspire, collaborate and achieve goals. Customers For leaders and consultants Learning objectives Develop communication techniques and tools to enhance your speech and have an impact. Master influencing communication skills aimed at reaching the audience. Experiment with and learn to use tools…
Plus d’informationCivility in a workplace is non-negociable
Equip employees to understand their role in managing and maintaining a healthy work environment. The training aims to give them tools to act effectively in conflict situations. We will use the same methods with practical exercises. Learning Objectives Understand the notions of psychological harassment, incivility and obligation of civility. Distinguish the roles and responsibilities of the organization, managers and employees….
Plus d’informationEXCEL IN CUSTOMER APPROACH (Internal and external clients)
Purpose Equip yourself and perfect your skills to interact ethically and easily with clients in order to maximize their satisfaction, collaboration in teams and productivity. Learning Objectives Become aware of the impact of the quality of client service offered on a daily basis. Situate your role with clients and develop interaction strategies that ensure quality service. Identify your areas of…
Plus d’informationManage Civility in Work Teams
Manage behaviours in your team: easier said than done! Purpose Equip yourself to fully understand your role in managing and maintaining a healthy work environment and to intervene effectively in situations of harassment and incivility. Learning objectives Learn the notions of psychological harassment, incivility andobligation of civility. Distinguish the roles and responsibilities of the organization,managers and employees. Understand the importance…
Plus d’informationReinforcing your advisory role
You have been asked to serve as an advisor and you don’t know where to begin: when to be an expert and when to be a facilitator. Excelling in this role demands a clear understanding of what is expected of you and the capacity to create a trusting relationship with the client. To achieve this, we propose a six-step approach…
Plus d’informationAgile Handling of Change
Every day as a leader, you must face it, adjust to it and quickly determine how to capitalize on opportunities that arise. You must also reflect on your own agile “stance”, and interpersonal skills, and adapt when necessary, as well as determine when and how to step into action (acting instead of reacting). While focusing on your own real change…
Plus d’informationImpactuful Communicator
We are constantly communicating, whether to inform, pass on decisions, influence, encourage action, sell an idea, share a vision or build bonds. Since communication is a strategic issue in organizations, we can’t avoid it: we have to speak in public. With 75% practical exercises, this course will help you become a communicator who makes an impact.
Plus d’informationManaging your time like a pro
Do you feel you have too many tasks and projects for the time and resources available? Are you constantly being interrupted, so you can never stick to your work plan? Using a self-evaluation and a personal report, you can assess your sense of organization and determine which proven tools to use to manage your work hours sensibly and effectively. Purpose…
Plus d’informationPreventing and Resolving Conflicts
Whether or not your conflicts are avoidable, our conflict prevention and resolution tools support you when you have to tackle problems before the consequences become disastrous. Requests from our clients for tools to manage conflict inspired us to design this very in-depth training course. Our intervention method allows you to tactfully avoid escalation and then focus on the positive to…
Plus d’informationFrom Colleague to Boss
It’s a done deal: you got the promotion you have been dreaming of. How can you develop a clear vision of the challenges demanded by this kind of transition? How can you quickly and efficiently position yourself without sacrificing the relational side of your duties? This two-day course gives you the keys to a smooth transition. Purpose Transition to a…
Plus d’informationEnhancing management skills
The strength of an organization relies, to a great extent, on the quality of its managers. This course allows them to combine the various facets of their role: building a supervisory relationship, instilling a sense of teamwork and helping each person excel, all while achieving the expected results. Purpose To integrate the various facets of your role as a manager…
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